Mission Northwest

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International Ministries Commissions New Missionaries from FBC Everett and ABC-NW

Kyle and Katrina Williams and Family

Katrina and Kyle Williams, from Everett, Washington, have been endorsed by American Baptist International Ministries (IM) to serve in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) with IM’s partner, the Baptist Community of Congo at the Pastoral Institute of Kikongo. They will assist with training pastors and their spouses in theology, literacy and church and rural development.

Kyle is currently a graduate student in psychology at Central Washington University. Katrina is a photographer and graphic artist. Together they have worked summers at a family commercial fishing site in Alaska. They are home schooling their four children, Ian Patrick (8), Adison Grace (7), Elijah Jacob (3) and Abram Isaac (2), who will be serving with their parents in the DRC. Their home church is First Baptist Church of Everett, Washington.

When asked how they became connected with IM, Kyle recalled, “Glen and Rita Chapman [IM missionaries] spoke at our church. My wife and I had been looking for a mission organization to partner with… we were hooked because of [the Chapman’s] holistic view of ministry that involves economic and agricultural development alongside theological development.”

“I could not be more excited for the endorsement of Kyle and Katrina,” commented Brian Harpell, pastor, First Baptist Church of Everett.  “They have enormous passion for the mission of Christ demonstrated in their willingness to sacrifice, a genuine humility and compassion, and incredible gifts for practical service.”

Dr. Charles Revis, executive minister, ABC of the Northwest, agrees. “I understand that this journey toward endorsement has been a healthy and exciting process. Last year Kyle and Katrina met with the Lowerys and Chapmans [both IM missionary couples]. This interaction fueled their vision for the DRC. They met with FBC Everett’s outreach team for over a year. They received prayer, counsel and discipleship. We are confident that God will use the Williams in a great way, and we are thrilled that this endorsement has transpired.”

As endorsed missionary candidates, the Williams will be working in the months ahead to build their Missionary Partnership Network.  They will be inviting individuals, groups, and churches to partner with them by committing to share the spiritual, relational, and financial support needed for them to begin their ministry with the church leaders to whom God is calling them. 

 Please join IM in celebrating this new endorsement and praying for Kyle and Katrina and their children as they invite others to join them in “working hand in hand with Congolese leaders to equip rural pastors with the tools to aid in the mission of Christ” (Matthew 28:19-20).  You may send words of encouragement and communicate directly with the Williams at williams@internationalministries.org.

Learn more about the Williams on the IM website: http://www.internationalministries.org/teams/595-williams