I can truthfully say this, I’ve never regretted garnering advice from mature colleagues, respected church leaders and from my wife. In this brief article I encourage you to develop your ability to seek advice from others, and do so regularly. It will make you a better pastor and leader.
Read MoreWhile predicting future trends is never a precise effort, we do see enough data points to suggest these twelve trends are potentially powerful movements that will affect congregations,
Read MoreMore than in any time in years past, I believe people are looking for relationship – meaningful, honest, sincere relationship that can tolerate momentary physical separations.
Read Morein this dark season of Advent waiting—especially in this uncertain time of global pandemic—where it would be easy to lose hope, get spiritually lethargic, and stop growing and progressing as followers of Jesus, let’s remember that the work is always worth it.
Read MoreIn Jesus’ self-giving we encounter the premier expression of God’s nature—of God’s love and grace—seen most clearly at the Cross.
Read MoreA one day online conference focusing on maximizing the effectiveness of the small church (25 to 150 worship attendance) from a pastor who has been there and done that!
Read MoreSadly, once again, our enduring national struggle with racism has reared its ugly head with the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor. I’m deeply saddened by their senseless deaths and I grieve for these people who have lost their lives leaving behind loved ones who must deal with the anguish of their loss.
Read MoreWhen can we reopen? When will we be able to go eat IN our favorite restaurant? When am I supposed to wear a mask? When…when…when…
Read MoreCurrent Questions Regarding PPP Loans and Forgiveness. In the PPP Application, borrowers are required to certify in good faith that “Current economic uncertainty makes this loan request necessary to support the ongoing operations of the Applicant”.
Read MoreThere are a lot of needs around us right now – keeping people safe, encouraged, fed, and connected, helping them not give into fear. To be sure, those needs take up a lot of time and energy. Rightly so. At the same time, there are also some new opportunities, as others are pointing out.
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