Continuing Education Grant Information
Ministries of Financial Aid for Ministerial Leaders
The Office of Financial Aid for Studies, American Baptist Home Mission Societies, administers the American Baptist Financial Aid Program that supports ABC Clergy and other persons serving in church vocations with grants to enhance their skills for ministry.
Applications for continuing education grants may be downloaded from the ABHMS web site.
Cultivating NEW LIFE - The Cultivating NEW LIFE program provides grants of up to $300 to ministerial leaders to attend conferences, workshops and seminars focused on personal and congregation renewal. Ministerial leaders who are listed in the current ABC Professional Registry may apply for this grant each year. Cultivating NEW LIFE grants may not be combined with other continuing education funding provided by American Baptist Home Mission Societies.
Applications must be submitted before attending the event/program.
Cultivating NEW LIFE Grant application
Continuing Education Grants - Ministerial leaders preparing to visit one of the ABC-related Centers for the Ministry or participating in an ABC-related mission trip may apply for a grant of $250. Applicants must be listed in the current ABC Professional Registry. This grant may not be combined with Cultivating NEW LIFE grants or other continuing education funding provided by National Ministries. D. Min students are eligible for $250 awards each of their first two years of study.
Applications must be submitted in advance of your participation.