Chinese Baptist Church
5801 Beacon Ave S
Seattle, WA
Phone: (206) 725-6363
8:30 AM - Check-in & Coffee
9:00 AM - Gathering Begins
Noon - Light Lunch
1:00 PM - Gathering Concludes
Cost: $15.00
Register HERE
TESTIMONY: Hear Lee Spitzer's miraculous story of conversion as a Jewish person who had never stepped foot in a Christian church.
TEACHING: “The PREVAILING Church: Opportunities for Spirit-filled Witness in Our Post-Christian Age.” In an age where churches face unprecedented challenges to their very existence, how does the Church not only survive but thrive (Matthew 16:18)? How can we ride the waves of massive societal change and offer a positive and Spirit-filled witness to our friends, neighbors and the world? Dr. Lee B. Spitzer will lead participants in a wide-ranging investigation and discussion focusing on 10 vital characteristics of the PREVAILING Church of the 21st century.
DIALOGUE: Dr. Spitzer's forecast regarding the future of ABC-USA, and how we should be responding as individuals, churches and region. Followed by an open time of question and answer with the General Secretary of ABC-USA.